Saturday, August 9, 2008

Whatcha’ need, baby?

I used to be offended when I was called “baby.” Now, as a woman of a certain age, I rather like it! Since we hit Louisiana, I’ve been called baby by a man at least 10 years older than me, and by a woman half my age. Phrases have run from “Whatcha’ need, baby?” to “Where you goin’ baby?” All good!
We circled the Gulf Coast of Florida and made our way to an overnight stay on Jekyll Island, Georgia. Jekyll Island is a rather exclusive seacoast island on Georgia’s coast—you have to pay $3 to get onto the island! The island has a fascinating history, including being a playground for the rich and famous—does the name Rockefeller ring a bell? You know you are out of your league when you see an historic building that is massively large and has a name sign entitled “xxx Cottage.’ The Jekyll Island Club and Hotel dominates the small historic district. I have a relative who stayed there once (my Mom), but Willis and I roomed with the hoi polloi at lesser lodgings.
From Jekyll Island, we made our way to Savannah, Georgia. Now, most people never thought twice about Savannah until John Berendt wrote a brilliant book called Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. When this book first came out, I was home one summer for a visit and helping my Mom in her bookstore that she owned at the time. She got an advance copy of the book, and I read it in one sitting, staying up all night to do so. I knew Berendt had a bestseller on his hands, and that Savannah would never be the same. Both came true: Midnight in the Garden of the Good and Evil stayed on the New York Times’ bestseller list for over four years. And Savannah hit the big time, with tourists who had read the book pouring into town.
We ate lunch at The Lady and Sons Restaurant, which I didn’t realize was Paula Deen’s restaurant until I was halfway through the creamiest, richest crab stew I’ve ever had. Willis and I both rolled out the door after eating and slept it off on Johnny Mercer’s bench in Johnson Square.
Check out our Points South photos here.

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